Meltse Van Coillie

Meltse Van Coillie (Belgium, 1992) has a background in documentary filmmaking. Her graduation film at the KASK School of Arts, elephantfish, was screened at numerous international film festivals and received a Wildcard from the Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF). This resulted in a second short, Zonder Meer, which had its international premiere at Berlinale in 2021 and received several awards, including the Grand Prix at Encounters. In 2022, she made the short film Nocturnus, shot during the polar night in Greenland. She is currently writing her first feature film, set in the same arena.


A ship drifts in the middle of an endless sea. Its crew of five tries to cope with boredom by escaping into a parallel world. elephantfish lures its viewers into an enclosed environment guarded by the freedom of the everlasting horizon. The only escape from this confinement comes in thoughts and dreams.


A ship drifts in the middle of an endless sea. Aboard is a crew of five. They all cope with boredom — some by trying to overpower it; others by escaping into a parallel world guided by dreams.