A ship drifts in the middle of an endless sea. Its crew of five tries to cope with boredom by escaping into a parallel world. elephantfish lures its viewers into an enclosed environment guarded by the freedom of the everlasting horizon. The only escape from this confinement comes in thoughts and dreams.
Mariana Hristova writes: “From the black screen beginning to the multi-interpretable ending, empty spaces fill this slow cinematic piece of art. Van Coillie doesn’t care about stuffing the gaps with answers, nor does she ask questions. Dreaming is a priority, an exercise for which empty spaces are more than welcome.” Continue reading here.
In July and August, film exhibitors from Ghent are gathering at De Tuin Van Heden. CUT TO: GENT put together a short film program for this occasion. In addition to elephantfish, films by Lu Ren, Adina Azar Khan, and Davina-Maria El Khoury will also be screened.
elephantfish is part of the Kortfilm.be catalogue and can be viewed online here.