Sphinx Cinema, Ghent


Johan van der Keuken filmed with a photographic eye and photographed with a cinematic feel. The Cat was commissioned by Dutch television: fifteen filmmakers were asked to make a series in relay style. Van der Keuken wanted to spice everything up and introduced a cat.


The silent black-and-white film The Private Life of a Cat is an intimate study of a cat who gives birth to a litter of kittens and cares for them as they grow up. It is filmed entirely from the cat’s eye-level.

Bi Gan, China, 2022, 15’

A magical fairytale about a cat in a long trenchcoat.


A Hollywood villa on a sultry summer night. The escort does what he was hired to do and gives his client the illusion he has paid for. “I’ll make you a star”, the customer says, before the tide turns abruptly and the power dynamics are unsettled.